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Guest Speaker Series: Rev. Dr. Mark Unno

Compassion and Other Power:
The Truth of Other Power Deep Within Our Hearts

In Shin Buddhism, we find we live on two planes simultaneously. At one level, we live the world we define in terms of words, ideas, in short, this world of appearances. At another level, there is a world in which the ordinary distinctions dissolve into the deep flow of oneness beyond or even before words. That world of oneness is our true home, the heart of the universe, of true entrusting, where we are received into the heart of boundless compassion.

This is ‘Other Power,’ not some reality or being ‘out there,’ outside of us, but the true reality that is more intimate to us than our intellect, that is deep within our heart, where ‘Other Power’ means the truest deepest self, ‘other than ego.’ Together we will discover that heart of other power, great compassion, where our karmic self is illuminated, embraced, and dissolved into the Ocean of Light of Other Power, our Amida self.

This lecture will be made available starting July 31st as part of the Buddhist Course Pathway 2.0 Bundle. When you subscribe, you will receive unlimited access to all the Buddhist Course Pathway courses, the complete Guest Speaker Series, Live Events, and Blogs.  If you are already a subscriber, the course will be available under My Courses when you log into the platform.

June 6

A Meditation on Mindfulness

August 8

Live Event: Overwhelmed by Wonder