Buddhist Modernism – What is That?
Dr. Mutsumi Wondra Sensei Dr. Mutsumi Wondra Sensei

Buddhist Modernism – What is That?

The popular image in the West of Buddhism is of a religion or philosophy of life that emphasizes meditation, relaxation, exploration of the mind and compassion. According to this image, there are no strict rules, it is undogmatic, non-ritualistic, and just encourages creativity and freedom of thoughts which may seem compatible with a modern scientific world view. It is getting more towards spirituality rather than a religion.

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How to Practice at Home
Ellen Crane Sensei Ellen Crane Sensei

How to Practice at Home

Once you have created your home altar you will learn how to use it as a practice space. Instruction and a demonstration on how to properly do an incense offering (oshoko) will be given. Rev. Crane will also lead you through the protocol for conducting either a meditation or chanting session, and how to interpret notations in chanting books for using the bell and modulating tempo. Of course, one can practice in whatever manner they wish in their home, but it is instructive to learn the traditional protocols and choose whether to use them or not.

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New Year’s Resolutions And Buddhism
Sterling Davenport Sterling Davenport

New Year’s Resolutions And Buddhism

Throughout the history of Buddhism, vows have always been a promise and commitment to the ideas of the Buddha. Some of these vows are followed only by monastics in the form of the Vinaya which governs their temple life. Other vows are adhered to by lay followers in the form of the five precepts that guide ethical behavior. Buddhists can even use vows to benefit all living beings.

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Blog Nog - A Buddhist Christmas
Ellen Crane Sensei Ellen Crane Sensei

Blog Nog - A Buddhist Christmas

Despite the rampant commercialization of the Christmas holiday, there is nonetheless a special feeling we get at this time of year where a spirit of giving and good cheer pervades the air. Something about the end of the year brings nostalgia and a mindset of reflection to look back over the past year. This is a time to think about all the ways we have been supported and helped, human and otherwise.

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You Can’t Always Get What You Want
Julie Robertson Julie Robertson

You Can’t Always Get What You Want

From Siddhartha to the Rolling Stones, there's an important truth in the world: You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, well, you just might find you get what you need."

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Thanksgiving Gratitude
Jon Turner Sensei Jon Turner Sensei

Thanksgiving Gratitude

Greed, anger and ignorance leads to our suffering: Greed + Anger + Ignorance = Suffering. There are two approaches when dealing with these feelings. The first approach is to remove the negatives from your life. The second approach is to add something positive to your life. For example, if you have an infection, you can either remove the infected area or you can take antibiotics. We call this the antidote approach.

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