Dancing for Joy

Image by Emily Turner

In mid-July, we hold an Obon festival. During the festival, many people come to our Book Sale booth in front of the Hondo and ask us where are the Koi fish, the Bonsai trees, the displays and the demonstrations. I always smile when this happens and I explain to them that they are thinking of the Hanamatsuri festival which is held each year in mid-April to celebrate the Buddha’s birth.

I found this very interesting because each year I used to come to the Hanamatsuri festival and ask when are we going to dance?  And those around me would smile and explain that I was thinking of the Obon festival. To memorize which festival was which I would repeat to myself that Obon is the festival with dancing. But I no longer think that this is quite right. Today, I think it is better to say that Obon is dancing. But I have had a very difficult time with this. I could not explain why Obon is dancing. Dancing seemed too simple to be the meaning of a major Buddhist festival.

I was always looking for some other meaning to Obon other than dancing but this was a big mistake. Throughout Buddhist history dancing has been used to symbolize the spontaneous joy that accompanies insight. Even in America, we use this phrase “dancing for joy” to describe someone who is completely overwhelmed. Many times, we use this phase figuratively but its origins are more literal. People who have experienced a sudden realization literally and involuntarily “dancing for joy”. A simple, everyday example of this is all the dancing that occurred after Steph Curry hit a deep three in Game 6 to clinch the 2022 NBA Finals.

However, rather than achieving a specific goal, Buddhist examples of dancing occur after sudden insight into the entirety of one’s life. At Obon, we focus on the spontaneous dancing of Mogallana. Mogallana was one of the Buddha’s two main disciples. After his mother’s death, Mogallana was tormented because she was not as devout a Buddhist as he had hoped she would be. He was embarrassed by her and felt that he should have been able to have had a greater influence upon her. After self-reflection, Mogallana realized that he had had it backwards. It was his mother’s profound influence upon him that had enabled him to become one of the Buddha’s greatest disciples. For the first time, he realized that she was the Bodhisattva that had led him to the Buddhist path. At that moment he spontaneously began “dancing for joy.”  Traditionally, it is this story that is used to explain why we dance at Obon.

I believe that Shinran, our founder, also emphasizes “dancing for joy” because it captures the feeling he had when he first heard the Pure Land teachings from his teacher Honen. This is the same feeling of overwhelming joy that Mogallana experienced. We dance not so much in honor of Mogallana but rather we are spontaneously “dancing for joy” in honor of sudden insight; insight that occurs through the self-reflection of Mogallana and the deep hearing of Shinran.

This is why we dance. So, whether you have the dances memorized or not please remember there are no wrong steps when one is spontaneously “dancing for joy.”

In gassho, Rev. Jon Turner

Jon Turner Sensei


Lead Minister for Everyday Buddhist. Resident Minister at Orange County Buddhist Church. High School athlete, UCLA mathematician, and computer programmer, who found Buddhism mid-career and changed the course of his life. Earned a Master’s degree from the Institute of Buddhist Studies and was ordained as a full-time Shin Buddhist Minister at the Nishi Hongwangi in Kyoto, Japan.


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