Available In the Wild

Colorado In the Fall

Fall is such a beautiful time of year with the beautiful colors, the crunching of leaves under foot, and the crisp air. Being able to get out and connect with nature is such a great way to relax and refresh. I feel like nature also allows us to connect with the Buddhist teachings on a deeper level. Seeing the fall leaves makes me think of the Flower Sermon in which Shakyamuni Buddha simply held up a lotus flower in front of him without saying a word. Just seeing a beautiful fall leaf makes me think of the Dharma.

Lately, I’ve taken to listening to an Everyday Buddhist course while going for a walk in nature. Did you know under the getting started section, there is a full MP3 audio track for each course? It’s so easy to pop in your earbuds, hit play, and enjoy a lecture while taking in the beautiful fall foliage. I’ve also been known to listen to a course while cleaning the house or getting ready for the day.

Have you used this feature? Where are you listening to your Everyday Buddhist courses at?


Searching For My Mind (Part 1)


Thinking Creatively