Are you getting the most out of your Everyday Buddhist courses?
We know the Everyday Buddhist courses are full of excellent information from expert instructors, but don’t forget to check out the additional resources and material to take your learning to the next level!
Under the Getting Started section of each course, members will find additional materials and helpful information. This week I am enjoying the Understanding | Mandalas, Mantras, Mudras course. In the Getting Started video, Rev. Jon discusses the book listed in the bibliography as well as some additional sources including essays he has written. There are also ties into film and other mediums as a way to communicate an emotional truth. This is such a wonderful primer before embarking on the lectures. I know I’m excited to dive into this course to hear more about mandalas, mantras, and mudras!
Mudra, Sanskrit Mudrā, (“seal,” “mark,” or “gesture”)
In Buddhism and Hinduism, a mudra is a symbolic gesture of the hands and fingers used either in ceremonies, dance, or artwork.
Don’t forget to peek at the links in the various lectures as well. Did you take the “Test Your Listening Skill” quizzes under the Origins | Deep Listening - An Essential Skill course? These hands-on activities really bring home the points made in the course and enriches the overall learning experience.
One of my favorite supplemental videos is from Everyday Buddhist is the two minute rule in the Living | A Process Driven Life course. Do you have a favorite book, essay, or resource from the classes? Maybe there was an outside video that made a big impact in your practice? We’d love to hear from you and how you’re using the additional materials from the Everyday Buddhist classes. Let us know in the comments below.